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Rain Bird 0.25 GPM Root Watering System 18 in. | RWSMBC1401

Sales Price $49.69 Our Price $71.23 You save 30%


Rain Bird's Root Watering System (RWS) enables vital water, oxygen, and nutrients to bypass compacted soil and directly reach tree and shrub root systems.Its patented basket weave canister allows ground installation to a depth of 36" (91,4 cm) for the RWS, 18" (45,7 cm) for the RWS-M and 10" (25,4 cm) for the RWS-S. The RWS is intended for use with water dispensing devices such as a bubbler head or a drip emitter.The RWS promotes tree and shrub investment protection, watering efficiency and landscape aesthetics through deep root growth and tree development.

Features & Benefits

Tree & Shrub Investment Protection

In a typical transplant project, as many as 20% of trees do not survivebeyond two years. Over 50% of newly planted tree mortality is due towater and nutrient stress. Rain Bird's RWS provides subsurfaceirrigation and aeration designed to prevent tree and shrub transplantshock. It allows the roots to grow deeper and broader resulting ingreater tree stability, higher survival rates and long-term healthier growth.

Watering Efficiency

Subsurface, deep root watering and aeration ensures tree health andpromotes accelerated growth. Subsurface watering is intelligentirrigation. RWS minimizes the total water volume required to irrigatetrees, reducing water loss due to evaporation, wind and edge control losses.

Landscape Aesthetics

The RWS helps prevent shallow root growth by minimizing waterrun-off and damage to hardscapes. The aesthetically designed subsurfacebubbler is contained with the RWS tube. The below-grade installationcontributes to a safer and more reliable installation -no one istripping over or breaking above-ground irrigation hardware. Thebelow-grade installation promotes a landscape's natural appearance. The variety of models accommodates designflexibility. It is simple to specify, requiring a single model number instead of a host of parts.

For the RWS-B-C-1401 Model

  • 4" (10,2 cm) retaining cap and vandal resistant locking grate tops a 18" (45,7 cm) semi-rigid mesh tube.
  • Factory installed 1/2" (1.3 cm) spiral barb elbow with a 1401 or 1402 makes connecting to lateral lines easy.
  • Optional sand sock is ideal for use in sandy soil.
Minimizes Transplant Shock
  • Directs water to root ball and adjacent soil.
  • Supplements top-down soaking.
Deeper and Broader Roots
  • Quicker tree and shrub growth.
  • Provide a stable foundation against high winds.
Subsurface Bubbler
  • Reduces waste due to run-off.
  • Minimizes evaporation.
Supports Low-Volume Tubing
  • Orderable without a swing assembly or fittings to support direct connection to a drip system.
  • Grate collar has an integrated clip for 1/4" tubing.
Aesthetically Pleasing Appearance
  • Installs at grade level.
  • Minimizes root damage to hardscapes.
Rigid Tube Design
  • Mesh material allows for horizontal movement of water and oxygen into root zone and surrounding areas.
  • Supports pea gravel fill to provide better top-to-bottom water dispersion and firmness against root compression.
Connects to Traditional Irrigation Lateral Lines
  • Integrated polyethylene swing assembly and spiral barb fittings connect to PVC and PE pipes.
  • Simplifies attachment to watering pipes.
Self-Contained and Factor-Assembled
  • Comes in (3) pre-assembled sizes for design flexibility.
  • Saves time and money by being ready-to-install out of the box.
Minimizes Personal Injury
  • Reduces above ground risers and surface-level roots people can trip over.
  • RWS-Mini: 4" diameter x 18" length (10,2 cm x 45,7 cm)


How does RWS minimize the crushing possibility of a tree's roots to the RWS tube?

Tree and shrub roots will find water. They will move toward the RWStube. However, because it is not filled with soil, the roots will notenter the tube. One option to consider is to fill the tube with peagravel. The gravel will help dissipate the water and direct it out thesides in a more controlled fashion rather than just filling from thebottom-up. The gravel will also create a firm foundation to the RWStube, minimizing the possible crushing impact of tree and shrub roots.

How does water move horizontally in soil?

In normal conditions with rain or surface watering, studies show thatroots absorb around 70% of their water from the top half part of theroot depth and 30% from the lower half. Wetness patterns differ based onthe soil type. In sandy soil, water moves more vertical and lesshorizontal. In clay or loam soil, water also moves vertical but lessrapidly, allowing time for the water to also more horizontally.Subsurface watering gets water deeper into the root growth area. Assoaking occurs with RWS, water will make its way horizontally into thesurrounding soil, more so in clay and loam soils than sandy soils.

How long should I water?

A 0.25 gallon per minute bubbler will put out 7.5 gallon in 30 minutes.The volume of the 4" x 36" RWS tube is about 2 gallons (ÏÚâšÂ¬ r² h = 452cubic inches or 1.98 gallons), less when the irrigation hardware isfactored and much less if pea gravel is used. The soil type also plays abig role. The key is not to put more water into the tube than the tubeand soil can absorb during that watering period. As a general rule,shorter watering volumes will limit overflows.

Which bubbler is best?

It depends on the soil type and length of watering. See the previous question.

Should the RWS tubes be placed on a separate watering zone?

Yes. RWS units should be installed in their own watering zone. One mightconsider overlaying RWS with sprays, especially if flowers and groundcover are planted with trees and shrubs. Many installations see RWS asthe only option during periods of drought - sprays might not be allowedbut drip and subsurface irrigation are.

Where should the RWS units be placed with respect to the trees?

They should be placed away from the tree trunk andaway from the tree bulb, ideally directly underneath the edge of wherethe mature tree's canopy will be. The goal is to help the roots get outof the original hole and into the adjacent soil. The RWS needs to placewater into this targeted area.

For longer term tree watering, RWS units can beplaced at two different tree perimeters, each on a different wateringzone. One perimeter can be closer to the root ball to help during thefirst couple of years. The second perimeter can be placed further wayfrom the trunk to provide watering in subsequent years. During the firstfew years, only the internal RWS zone would be used; in the subsequentyears, only the external RWS zone will be used. It is more expensive butit will provide a long-term tree water system in order to promotebroader and deeper roots.

How many RWS do I need?

For trees, 2-4, depending on the size. For shrubs, 1-2. For treeinstallations with two RWS watering zones, 4-6 RWS units could be used.

Can an RWS be used in tandem with a surface spray?

Sprays are perfect for top-down soaking. This is great when a tree isnewly transplanted. They help keep the root ball area moist. The RWS isplaced outside of that root ball and helps drive roots away from theroot ball into the adjacent soil. They are ideally used together duringthe first couple of years.

What tree watering tips do you have?

Deeper and less frequent watering can encouragehealthier root growth for both turf grass and trees. Regular irrigationcycle ~ 3x weekly, applied to the root ball with 2-3 gallons of waterfor each caliper inch of tree is ideal. Many arborist recommend amoat-like structure around the trunk and above the root ball for thefirst year and then a donut in which water is moved further away fromthe trunk and no above the original root ball.

Too many people over-water trees; so avoid overwatering. Many implement no artificial watering after year 3. Do nopruning for the first year after planting as pruning can inhibit rootestablishment and growth. Maintain the mulch area around the root zoneand prevent grass or weeds close to the tree trunk.

Heavy equipment and pedestrian passing on top soiland material storage can squeeze out up to 60% of the water byelongating roots. When this happens, root rarely recovers. So establishtraffic free zone around the critical root zone. Restrict site access tothe soil surface as soon as possible with fences. Try to be the firstone on the site and setup anti-compaction protection - defend theecological "foot print" of the tree rooting area. Select transplantingand irrigation installation working conditions (dry, dormant season,surface mulch, etc.) that minimizes compaction. Restrict where possiblevibrational compaction.

Can vertical mulching promote tree health?

Yes. Vertical mulching helps alleviate soil compaction. RWS is part of avirtual mulching planting environment. Tree holes should be bigger thanthe tree bulb. The adjacent soil needs to allow the roots to move intothe new soil. 3" to 4" layer of high quality organic soil over thecritical root zone improves soil texture, moisture retention, increasesoil fertility and weed control.

More Information
Brand Rain Bird
Product Type Tree Watering Stakes & Bags
Warranty 3 Years
Flow Rate 0.25 GPM
Length 18 in.
Specifications (268.88 kB)