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Hydro-Rain Manifold Part 1 in. FBT | HRM-100-UX-CA

Sales Price $3.15 Our Price $4.73 You save 33%

Hydro-Rain HRM 100 FBT Cap

When we set out to reinvent the manifold, we had speed, green and toughness in mind. We live in a world where most contractors still build up their manifolds by hand, using PVC, primers, and glues. The rationale is that it's fast and cheap. But is it really? Our Hydro-Rain time trials show that even a fast contractor spends over 13 minutes to build the valve nest out of PVC. Hydro-Rain's HRM 100 manifold takes less than half that time. During the course of a year, a typical medium-size contractor will waste over 65 hours of time - more than a week and a half of productive labor - going with the "fast and cheap method." It's one of those cases where what looks like a savings, actually ends up costing you.

We also realized that we were up against a lot of popular opinion that a pre-built manifold can't be a tough manifold. The HRM 100 proves how totally untrue and outdated that notion is: this is a manifold that finally delivers on the promises of being the world's fastest, greenest and toughest. And, best of all, it provides the perfect platform for lightening-fast Hydro-Rain valves with Blu-Lock adapters, allowing you to seamlessly connect it with Blu-Lock headers and lateral lines in record-setting times.

Features & Benefits

  • O-Ring Shape and Volume - Allows more torque and compression to satisfy a wider variety of angles.
  • Over 4X the size of the leading competitor.
  • Sealing Surface - Has twice the surface area at critical connections between fittings and manifold.
  • Buttress Threads - Provide exceptionally high axial thrust so you can crank them hard and they have extremely low friction properties so that you can hand tighten the fittings fast and effortlessly.
  • High Deflection Temperature - Withstands pressure of 350 PSI and ambient temperature of 120°F.
  • Patent Pending Swivel - Eliminates the need for primer and glue, and serves as the tool for threading the adapter into the valve.
  • True 1" I.D. and Ultra Smooth Core - Maximizes flow and minimizes friction loss.
  • Three-Year Warranty - Hydro-Rain ensures full quality performance for the warranty period or we'll replace it.

Built for Speed Advantages

  • No Cutting, Priming, Gluing or Waiting - Standardized and ready to go when you are.
  • No Guesswork and No Rework - Takes the estimation out of the installation process and eliminates wasteful, costly mistakes.
  • Fewer Callback and Faster Service - Built to high industry specifications so you can be sure you're getting watertight seals the first time and every time - which means fewer callbacks and faster service - it's never been easier.

Built for Green Advantages

  • No Primers or Glues - All connections are buttress thread swivel and MIPT, eliminating the need for any toxic chemicals.
  • Blu-Lock Compatibility - Factory-installed Blu-Lock adapters allow you to go straight out of valves to headers and laterals with environmentally-friendly Blu-Lock pipe.
  • Drip Zone Compatibility - The HRM 100 can handle up to four HRZ 100 drip control zones in a standard rectangular valve box, minimizing material waste.


  • Max Working Pressure: 200~250 PSI (at 73°F)
  • Burst Pressure:Exceeds 350 PSI (at 73°F)
  • Dimensions: HRM-100-3P-BD: Length 10" x Width 2.5" HRM-100-2P-BD: Length 6.25" x Width 2.5" HRM-100-2P-BD: Length 3" x Width 2.5"

Manuals and Literature

More Information
Brand Hydro-Rain
Product Type Standard Manifold Fittings
Warranty 3 Years
Size 1 in.
Connection FBT
Specifications (333.20 kB)