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Oatey 4 oz Turf-Tite Blue Hot PVC Cement | 2466S

Sales Price $7.45 Our Price $8.95 You save 17%


Read all information carefully before using this product.


May cause irritation to eyes, skin, and nose, throat, and respiratory tract. May cause coughing, sore throat, difficulty breathing, headache, dizziness, nausea. Long term repeated overexposures to solvents may cause damage to the brain, nervous system, reproductive system, respiratory system, mucous membranes, liver, and kidneys. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

FIRST AID: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Drink water and call a doctor or poison control center immediately. This product may be aspirated into the lungs and cause chemical pneumonitis, a potentially fatal condition. If contact with eyes, flush with water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention if irritation persists. If contact with skin, flush with water and then use baby oil or hand cleaner to remove residue. If inhaled and ill feelings develop, get fresh air and obtain medical attention if ill feelings persist. FOR EMERGENCY FIRST AID INSTRUCTIONS CALL 1-877-740-5015.

FIRE: Use dry chemical, foam, or carbon dioxide extinguisher. Water spray may be applied to reduce potential vapors or for cooling. Burning liquid extinguished with water will float and may re-ignite on surface of water.

SPILLS: Remove all sources of ignition and ventilate area. Personnel cleaning up the spill should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including respirators if vapor concentrations are high. Soak up spill with absorbent material. Put absorbent material in covered, labeled metal containers. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.

A fire or explosion may result if dry granular calcium hypochlorite is used to disinfect plastic piping systems and is exposed to organic vapors found in solvent cements, cleaners or primers. Do not disinfect piping system with dry granules. Do not store dry granular calcium hypochlorite near solvent cements, cleaners or primers. DO NOT REUSE EMPTY CONTAINER. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

Refer to material safety data sheet for more information.

Before purchase and use of a product, review the product application and be certain the product, installation and use will be in compliance with any applicable codes and regulations.

Physical / Chemical Properties

  • Appearance: Blue Liquid
  • Viscosity: min. 500 cps @ 73? F ? 2? F
  • Density: 7.83 ? 0.2 lbs/gallon
  • Lap Shear Strength (minimum per ASTM Standards):
    • 2 hours: 250 PSI
    • 16 hours: 500 PSI
    • 72 hours: 900 PSI
  • Set up Time:
    • 30? F to 50? F: 4-5 minutes
    • 50? F to 70? F: 3-4 minutes
    • 70? F to 90? F: 1-2 minutes
  • Shelf Life: 3 years from manufacture date
  • Maximum VOC per SCAQMD 1168/316A or BAAQMD
  • Method 40: 510 g/L


TURF-TITE 2400 Series Professional Grade Medium "Hot" Blue PVC Solvent Cement is recommended for solvent welding all schedules and classes of flexible and rigid PVC pipe and fittings up to 6" with interference fit. TURF-TITE Solvent Cement is a fast-setting cement specially formulated for wet conditions and/or quick pressurization. TURF-TITE Solvent Cement is ideal for irrigation applications. This product is compliant with California South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1168 and Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) regulations for Volatile Organic Compound emission levels. Note: This product is not for use in a system using or being tested by compressed air or gases.

  • Medium-bodied blue colored cement for use on all schedules and classes of flexible and rigid PVC pipe and fittings up to 6" with interference fit.
  • Low-VOC Solvent Cement meets California South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements.
  • No primer needed on non-pressure DWV up to 4” where local codes permit.
  • Very fast setting cement formulated for wet conditions and/or quick pressurization and fast installation.
  • Recommended application temperature 40?F to 110?F.
  • Recommended for potable water, pressure pipe and DWV.
  • Meets ASTM D-2564.

Directions for Use

Read all directions carefully before using this product.

  • Do not breathe vapors. Use only in well ventilated area. If forced air ventilation is used, be sure it does not cause a fire hazard from solvent vapors. If adequate ventilation cannot be provided, wear a NIOSH-approved respirator for organic solvents.
  • Do not use or store near heat, sparks, or flames. Do not smoke, eat or drink when using. Do not take internally. Vapors may accumulate in low places and may ignite explosively.
  • Store and use at temperatures between 40?F and 110?F. At temperatures outside of this range, special care must be taken to prepare good joints and prevent exposures to solvents.
  • Stir or shake before using; if jelly-like, don't use. Keep container closed when not in use.
  • Avoid eye and skin contact - wear safety glasses with side shields and wear rubber gloves.
  • Do not thin.
  1. Square pipe ends and remove all burrs and dirt.
  2. Check dry fit of pipe and fitting. Pipe should easily go 1/3 of the way into the fitting. If the pipe bottoms, it should be snug.
  3. Use a suitable applicator at least 1/2 the size of the pipe diameter. For larger size pipe systems use a natural bristle brush or roller.
  4. Clean pipe and fitting with a listed primer..
  5. Apply liberal coat of cement to pipe to the depth of the socket; leave no uncoated surface.
  6. Apply a thin coat of cement to inside of fitting; avoid puddling of cement. Puddling can cause weakening and premature failure of pipe or fitting. Apply a second coat of cement to the pipe.
  7. Assemble parts QUICKLY. Cement must be fluid. If cement surface has dried, recoat both parts.
  8. Push pipe FULLY into fitting using a 1/4 turning motion until pipe bottoms.
  9. Hold pipe and fitting together for 30 seconds to prevent pipe push-out ? longer at low temperatures. Wipe off excess.
  10. Allow 15 minutes for good handling strength and 2 hours cure time at temperatures above 60?F before hydrostatic pressure testing up to 180 psi. Longer cure times may be required at temperatures below 60?F or with pipe diameters over 3". DO NOT TEST WITH AIR.

This product is not for use with caustic or acidic chemical solutions. Consult Technical Department for more information.

Ingredients (CAS Number)

  • Acetone (67-64-1)
  • Amorphous Silica (112945-52-5)
  • Blue Colorant (N/A)
  • Cyclohexanone (108-94-1)
  • Methyl Ethyl Ketone (78-93-3)
  • PVC Resin (9002-86-2)
  • Tetrahydrofuran (109-99-9)

Compliance & Listings

NSF Standard 61 for PW, DWV, SEWER
IAPMO Listed
Meets ASTM Standard D 2564
More Information
Brand Oatey
Product Type Pipe & Tubing Tools
Use For Flexible and rigid PVC thru 6"
Temperature Range 40 - 110°F
Warranty 1 Year
Size 4 oz
Liquid Measurements 4 oz.
Specifications (387.52 kB)