EZ-FLO Main Line Systems attach directly to your in-ground sprinkler and/or drip irrigation system. Every time you use your irrigation system, EZ-FLO releases small, precision doses of water soluble or liquid non-hazardous fertilizers into the water stream. One system will feed through both sprinkler and drip irrigation zones without the need to make any adjustments or nozzle changes to compensate for water flow or water pressure.
Main Line Systems have been designed to connect directly to your irrigation system after an approved backflow prevention device. They are designed to withstand constant static water pressure present in your irrigation system. These units are constructed of heavy-walled, UV-Resistant PVC and have no moving parts making them very reliable, dependable and maintenance-free.
Size the Model to your Landscape
What size model you choose to order is dependent on a few factors.
What is the composition of the landscape materials?
Turf uses more irrigation water than a dense ground cover or shrubs with deeper root masses.
What products are you interested in applying through your irrigation system?
Some products have higher application rates than others.
How often do you want to refill?
In the end, this last point is the one that is the ultimate determining factor. If you want to refill less frequently, simply go up in size. If you do not mind refilling more often, then you can get by with a smaller size than what would be recommended. The following table identifies a typical landscape configuration and sizes that can be served with each EZ-FLO main line model along with other sizing information.
Please note that coverage levels assume a 4-6 week desired fertilizer refill cycle for EZ001-CX to EZ010-FX models. High capacity models (designated as HC) are designed for commercial landscapes serviced by professional maintenance companies. Property sizing for those units is based on a 2-3 week refill schedule. Growers and nurseries use other sizing metrics (pounds per square foot and PPM) which can be found in their related web pages.
Fertilizer Distribution Rates
EZ-FLO's patented flow technologies ensure that the proportion of fertilizer to water remains constant from the beginning of the cycle until the tank is depleted of fertilizer. All EZ-FLO fertigation units have an adjustable cap with four reference settings corresponding to the amount of fertilizer mixed with the water: The cap can also be set at points between these four reference settings for unlimited adjustment flexibility within the maximum and minimum proportioning rates for the cap.
EZ-FLO Systems are Easy to Install and Easy to Use
EZ-FLO Systems can be installed in minutes. We recommend that they be installed in an underground valve box but they can also be hidden under decorative rocks or housed in above ground structures when necessary. The only requirement is that they be installed after an approved backflow prevention device as determined by local plumbing code.
EZ-FLO main line systems are installed after the backflow prevention device and normally before the irrigation zone valves to allow the unit to feed all irrigation zones. A typical installation is shown here:
In this configuration, when an irrigation zone valve is turned on, the EZ-FLO fertigation unit automatically adjusts to pressure and flow and precisely meters out the appropriate fertilizer based on the water volume flowing into that zone.
EZ-FLO main line units can also be installed after the zone valve or directly in-front of a single zone valve or multiple zone valves if you want to isolate a zone(s) from the other zone(s). An example is shown to the right and could be for a larger irrigation system that services lots of open turf but the owner wants to focus on their flower beds or in the case of a municipal park, just the baseball field.
How to Insert Tubing:
Brand | EZ-Flo |
Product Type | EZ Flo Fertilizer System Parts and Accessories |
Size | 1/4 in. |
Warranty | 5 Years |
Color | Black |