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Febco U765 PVB Backflow Preventer with Union End Ball Valve 1 in. Union End Ball Valve | FEU765-100

Sales Price $301.84 Our Price $425.95 You save 29%

Febco U765 PVB Backflow Preventer with Union End Ball Valves 1 in. Union End Ball Valves 

  • Size: 1 in.
  • Connection: Union End Ball Valves
  • Max Working Pressure: 150 PSI

Features & Benefits

Series 765 Pressure Vacuum Breakers are designed to be installed to provide protection against back siphonage of toxic or non-toxic liquids. They feature a durable bronze body and a check valve and air opening port in one assembly. Maximum Working Pressure: 150psi (10.3 bar).

  • All bronze body for durability. One check valve and an air opening port in one assembly.
  • Lightweight poppet seals air opening under minimum flow conditions.
  • Simple service procedures. All internal parts are serviceable in line with the top of the unit.
  • Designed for minimum head loss.
  • Engineered plastic bonnet protects valve bodies from freeze damage.
  • Optional union end ball valves for easy removal and ultimate freeze protection.
  • End Connections - NPT ANSI/ASME B1.20.1

Product Details

Service and Maintenance

Close the outlet shutoff valve, then close the inlet shutoff valve. Bleed residual pressure from the assembly by opening the #2 and #1 tests cocks in this sequence.


  1. Detailed maintenance manuals are available from your local FEBCO representative.
  2. Rinse all parts with clean water prior to reassembly.
  3. DO NOT USE ANY PIPE DOPE, OIL, GREASE, OR SOLVENT ON ANY PARTS unless instructed to do so.
  4. Do not force parts. Parts should fit together freely. Excess force may cause damage and render the assembly inoperable.
  5. Carefully inspect seals and seating surfaces for debris or damage.
  6. After servicing, repressurize the assembly and test to ensure proper operation.
More Information
Brand Febco
Product Type Pressure Vacuum Breakers (PVB)
Test Cocks 2 FEMALE
Max Working Pressure 150 PSI
Hydrostatic Test Pressure 300 PSI
Temperature Range 32F to 140F
Main Valve Body Materials Bronze
Elastomers Nitrile
Springs Stainless Steel
Warranty 1 Year
Size 1 in.
Connection Union End Ball Valves
Lead Free Not Lead Free
Guide (5.57 MB)
Manual (88.65 kB)
Specifications (253.07 kB)
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